All Tokyo Initiatives

Welcome to our Nordic Japan Innovation Mixer: The Icebreakers


Welcome! The Japan Nordic Innovation Mixers are cozy events to bring selected professionals across different industries and countries together to discuss common topics among innovation, share experiences and have a good time.

We invite our friends from Nordic and Japanese startups, corporate members working with open innovation, investors, vendors and other innovation ecosystem players to join. 

We will have a short program and hear about each others initiatives, and continue with mingling. 

Interested in joining? Please fill out the form below for the latest schedule!


北欧と日本のイノベーションシーンエコシステムに関わる方々の交流会、THE ICEBREAKERS へようこそ!それぞれの近況を持ち寄り、カジュアルな雰囲気で共通の話題や経験をシェアする楽しいひとときです。



Akiko Shiono