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How To Work From Home

Alexandra Westlin, Strategy Consultant at EY, gives her pro-recommendations on how to create a good work from the home office and share a few tips n’ tricks on how to become more productive at home.

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Alexandra’s pro tips n’ tricks:

  1. Have virtual coffee breaks together with colleagues and organize Happy Hours through Zoom WITH VIDEO, it’s actually nice to see each other

  2. Create a good routine for the day - get inspired by the old normal times back at the real office, and try to replicate that

  3. Get some fresh air, have a window open if its not freezing and take walks. Walking meetings perhaps? If you have a garden, work outside in the sun? (use sunscreen)

  4. Check-in on your team-mates often, we all need some company

  5. Try to put work aside when you’re done. When you’ve worked your hours, try to relax and let go of the mail or phone. We know its tempting, but you’ll be surprised on how productive you’ll be the next day!

  6. Think about ergonomics! Just because your’e working from home doesn’t mean to sit on the sofa. Think about your posture!

  7. Don’t work in the kitchen and try to limit the times you open the fridge

  8. Get an extra screen

  9. Drink water!!

  10. Support a local restaurant by ordering some take away for lunch

Read full article here:

Gabriel Granström